You are filled with the potential of miracles every day and Jesus gifts you the power to transform your life and experience His abundant grace when you receive the Holy Spirit. What are you deeply trusting for? Are you calling on God in prayer from a point of frustration or desperation? Trust in Him and may today not be an ordinary day, but the day in which things turn around - all of a sudden, as we receive the Holy Spirit.
Message Notes 13/10/2024 - Gabe Phillips
"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you,"
Acts 1:8
1/ Creation | Gen 1:1
The earth was dark, formless and empty
He came upon the waters and creation came about
The story of creation continues today as God's Spirit still hovers over us
Man was formed from the dirt of the earth God breathed His breath into Adam
The Father breathes His Spirit into each of us in a divine, intimate moment
He never turns His face from you
2/ Incarnation | Luke 1:34-35
God fills empty things, just as he filled Mary's dark, formless and empty womb, all of a sudden
We are made to carry the Holy Spirit just as Mary was made to carry Jesus
God is looking for the available to fill us with His Spirit
3/ Resurrection | John 20:1-9
When we carry dead dreams Jesus comes beside us and fills us with His grace
There is no date that the Father can't redeem
The tomb was empty so that the world could be filled
4/ Impartation | Acts 2:1-4
All of a sudden the Spirit came upon the disciples with tongues of fire
The same Holy Spirit is given to us and we are equipped and called to step into the mission field as Kingdom ambassadors and share the gospel
When we make ourselves available to God He fills us so that we can fill empty things too and turn things around
God declares that you are the right person, for the right time such as this to fill empty lives
Accept the gift that God arrests your heart as you are promised life changing, sin destroying, demon-chasing, earth shattering, resurrection power when the Holy Spirit - the presence of Jesus, comes upon you and makes His residence in YOU!